In the addition below, all digits have been replaced by letters. Equal letters represent equal digits and different letters represent different digits.
------- +
What does the complete addition look like in digits?
Today is a very icy and cold morning in Newcastle. Mr Shearer, an office bus driver arrived to pick up the employees from the last stop. Shearer suddenly remembers that he needs to pick a newly joined 4miles to the north. Mr Shearer lost his direction compass, a few minutes later Shearer is able to figure that he is moving in the correct direction i.e. north. How did Shearer know that he is moving in the correct direction?
Use the numbers 2, 3, 4 and 5 and the symbols + and = to make a true equation. Conditions: Each must be used exactly once and no other numbers or symbols can be used.
John was writing his first book. After saving the document, he locked his laptop with a password and mentioned some phrases for the hint box.
A friend of his tried opening his laptop but found out that it was password protected. Following is the hint that appeared.
1 mobile 3 books 2 roars 1 night 4 balls 2 lighters 1 ghost 1 hat 3 watches.