Consider all the numbers between 1 and 1 million. Among all these numbers, there is something very special about the number 8 and the number 2202. What is it?
Imagine a box with two cogwheels, one big with 24 teeth and one small with 8 teeth. The big one is firmly attached to the center of the box which means it does not turn or move while the small one rotates around the big one.
How many times do you think that the smaller wheel will turn compared to the box when it turns once around the big one?
Sachin bought a car with a strange 5 digit numbered plate.The water image of the number is 78633 more than my car number. All the digits of car number are distinct.
Three people are in a room. Ronni looks at the Nile. The Nile looks at Senthil. Ronni is married but Senthil is not married. At any point, is a married person looking at an unmarried person? Yes, No or Cannot be determined.