Complicated counting

If two's company, and three's a crowd, then whats four and five ?

Complicated counting

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Both of them have property that when you light the fire from one end , it will take 60 minutes to get completely burn.

However, they do not burn at consistent speed (i.e it might be possible 1st 20% burn in 50 minutes and 80% can burn in 10 minutes).

So how could you measure 45 minutes ?

Asked by Neha on 21 Feb 2021

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There is open window approx 40 feet above the ground of the cell.
They are never able to reach there.

Then they plan to escape by a tunnel and they start digging out.
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Odd Man out

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The following alphametic has only one solution. Can you find it?

PS: You may start the number from 0.

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Can you count the number of triangles in the given figure?

Count the Triangles

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Two batsman each on 94 runs. Seven runs needed to win in last 3 balls. Both make 100*. How?

Asked by Neha on 05 Feb 2023

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Asked by Neha on 28 Apr 2022

Seven Robbers robbed a bank and hide the coins in a lonely place.
They decide to divide the money equally the next morning. Two greedy robbers decided to cheat the others and reach the place at night. They equally divided the coins between them, one coin left. So they called another robber and then they decided to divide equally among the three. Sadly again one coin left. The same thing happened to the 4th 5th and the 6th robber.
However, when the 7th robber reached in the morning, they can divide the coins equally.

How many coins were there in total?

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Jigsaw puzzles

Jigsaw puzzles soared in popularity during the great depression, as they provided a cheap, long-lasting, recyclable form of entertainment.