When a clock is observed, the hour hand is at a minute mark and the minutes hand is six minutes ahead of it.
When the clock is observed again after some time, the hour hand is precisely on a different minute mark and the minute hand is seven minutes ahead of it.
Can you calculate how much time has elapsed between the two observations?
A professor thinks of two consecutive numbers between 1 and 10.
'A' knows the 1st number and 'B' knows the second number
A: I do not know your number.
B: Nor do I know your number.
A: Now I know.
What are the four solutions for this?
Given below is simple addition with a defined pattern pattern:
7 + 7 = 2
8 + 8 = 4
8 + 5 = 1
6 + 9 = 3
10 + 11 = 9
Can you analyze the pattern and find out the answer for:
4 + 9 = ?
A family is trapped in a jungle. There is a bridge which can lead them to safety. But at one time, the bridge can only allow two people to pass through. Also, all of them are afraid of the dark and thus, they can't go alone.
Father takes 1 minute to cross, the mother takes 2 minutes, the son takes 4 and the daughter takes 5 minutes. While crossing the time taken will be according to the slower one. How can they all reach the other side in the minimum possible time?
The Little ant seems to be always confused. Do you know why?
I have thought of a number that is made up by using all the ten digits just once. Here are a few clues for you to guess my number:
First digits is divisible by 1.
First two digits are divisible by 2.
First three digits are divisible by 3.
First four digits are divisible by 4.
First five digits are divisible by 5.
First six digits are divisible by 6.
First seven digits are divisible by 7.
First eight digits are divisible by 8.
First nine digits are divisible by 9.
The number is divisible by 10.
Can you find out the number ?
There are are five things wrong with this sentence; only geniuses will be able to to spot all of the mitstakes
One absent-minded ancient philosopher forgot to wind up his only clock in the house. He had no radio, TV, telephone, internet, or any other means for telling time. So he travelled on foot to his friend's place a few miles down the straight desert road. He stayed at his friend's house for the night and when he came back home, he knew how to set his clock. How did he know?
A seven-year-old kid challenged his classmates that he can make the number one disappear by adding something to it.
How can he do that?
Which is the rope you never skip with?
In Canada, a mathematical puzzle must be solved in order to win the lottery to classify it as a “game of skill” not gambling.