Phone Numbers

What number do you get when you multiply all of the numbers on a telephone's number pad?

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Here is what you have to do. You have to throw a ball as hard as you can but it must return back to you even if it does not bounce at anything. Also, you have nothing attached to the ball. There is no one on the other end to catch that ball and throw it back at you.

How will you do it?

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John left on a horse on Thursday , was gone for two days, and came back on Thursday after completing his work. How did that happen?

Asked by Neha on 23 Feb 2021

I can turn polar bears white.
I can make anyone dance.
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Can you guess the riddle?

Asked by Neha on 03 Jun 2024


A = 1

B = 2

C = 3



Z = 26.

Based on above rule, you need to find an eleven letter word whose letter sum is equal to 52.

Asked by Neha on 12 Feb 2021

Tarang football website was hacked by one of the players. Jack, the coach of Tarang has pointed out five players as the possible hacker.
Each suspected player made three statements from each suspected player and out of which two are true and one is false.

A) I have not hacked the website.
B) I know nothing about hacking.
C) John did it.

A) I have not hacked the website.
B) The website was attacked by one of the players.
C) I hate Shelly

A) I have not hacked the website.
B) I have never seen Oscar in my entire life.
C) I am sure John did it.

A) I have not hacked the website.
B) I am sure Oscar did it.
C) Joseph was lying when he said he did it.

A) I have not hacked the website.
B) I am sure Hazard did it.
C) I used to be friend with Remy.

So who hacked the website?

Asked by Neha on 27 Jun 2021

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Can you calculate the number of buses that the company owns at present?

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Word ladder puzzle

The word ladder puzzle was invented by Lewis Carroll, author of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.