Mobile Price

A brand new Mobile Phone was on sale at 20% as a promotional offer. By what per cent must the Mobile price be increased to sell it at the original price again?

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Asked by Neha on 05 Jun 2023

There is a square piece of paper with a hole that is denoted by the circle on the top right side in the given picture. You have to cut the paper in a manner that it forms two and only two separate pieces of paper and then rearrange the pieces in a manner that the holes come in the centre of the paper.

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Asked by Neha on 18 Aug 2023

A girl was standing near the window thinking something. All of a sudden she decides something and throws something out of the window. She dies very soon after throwing it. She was perfectly healthy and had no disease or allergy. No one killed her and she did not commit suicide.

Can you think of any possible explanation that is logical as well for what happened there?

Asked by Neha on 25 Aug 2021

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Replace the question mark with the correct number below.

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Asked by Neha on 19 Mar 2024

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Asked by Neha on 15 Apr 2024

In a guessing game, five friends had to guess the exact numbers of apples in a covered basket.
Friends guessed 22, 24, 29, 33, and 38, but none of the guesses was correct. The guesses were off by 1, 8, 6, 3, and 8 (in random order).

Can you determine the number of apples in a basket from this information?

Asked by Neha on 23 Mar 2024

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Amazing Facts

Jigsaw puzzles

Jigsaw puzzles soared in popularity during the great depression, as they provided a cheap, long-lasting, recyclable form of entertainment.