Who Leave me Behind

The more you take me, the more you leave me behind.
Who Am I?

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This was asked in an interview with Coa-Cola.

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He then told me that he will leave the room and i need to place all the marbles in two boxes.

And When he come back, he will draw a marble from any of the two box and if the marble is white I will be hired.

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We know following clues:
1. Dan ran in the NY City Marathon yesterday with one of the innocent men.
2. Mike consider being a farmer before he moved to the city.
3. Jeff is a top notch computer consultant and wants to install Ben new computer next week.
4. The murderer had his leg amputated last month.
5. Ben met Jack for the first time six months ago.
6. Jack has been in seclusion since the crime.
7. Dan used to drink heavily.
8. Ben and Jeff built their last computers together.
9. The murderer is Jack's brother. They grew up together in Seattle.

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Asked by Neha on 10 Dec 2024

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Amazing Facts


In Canada, a mathematical puzzle must be solved in order to win the lottery to classify it as a “game of skill” not gambling.