There are 2 sand hourglasses.
The small one can measure 5 hours and the large one can measure 7 hours.
How can we measure 16 hours with 2 sand hourglasses running together ?
Can you write down eight eights so that they add up to one thousand?
A father is locked up in jail. His wife has gone bankrupt. Their male child has to sell his hotel in order to gain some money. Yet their girl child does not care and is quite happy.
How can someone be so rude?
Two fathers and two sons went fishing one day. They were there the whole day and only caught 3 fish. One father said, that is enough for all of us, we will have one each. How can this be possible?
What famous saying does this rebus mean?
Three brothers Jacob, John, and James live in Mexico City. The product of the ages of these brothers is 175. Jacob and John are twins. How old is James?
Can you think of a smallest +ve number such that if we shuffle the digits of the number, the new number becomes double the original number?
If one and a half boys, eat one and a half burgers in one and a half hours.
How many burgers can 9 boys eat in 3 hours?
In a boat, the father of a sailor's son is sitting with the son of the sailor. However, the sailor is not present on the boat.
Can this even be possible?
Move four matchsticks to the below square to form three squares?
The word ladder puzzle was invented by Lewis Carroll, author of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.