Fun in common

What does an Island and the letter T have in common?

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In case you were starting to feel confident, this one was meant for third graders in Vietnam. The answer is 66, but we don't blame you for scratching your head about how they got there.

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There are three houses in a straight row. One is red, one is blue, and one is white. The red house is left of the middle. The blue house is right of the middle. Where's the white house?

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Can you find out how many years ago, his mother was three times his age?

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What do you think with the below Picture ?

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A mother is 21 years older than her child. In exactly 6 years from now, the mother will be exactly 5 times as old as the child.
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Asked by Neha on 26 Jun 2021

Count the squares in the matchstick puzzle below?

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Asked by Neha on 17 Sep 2023

Trying to tease Birbal, Akbar gave him one gold coin and ask him to buy
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* something for him to drink.
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Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence has crushed all human records in the puzzle game “2048,” achieving a high score of 839,732 and beating the game in only 973 moves without using any undo.