Dollar Demand

If nine thousand, nine hundred nine dollars is written as $9,909,
how should twelve thousand, twelve hundred twelve dollars be written?

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100 prisoners are stuck in the prison in solitary cells. The warden of the prison got bored one day and offered them a challenge. He will put one prisoner per day, selected at random (a prisoner can be selected more than once), into a special room with a light bulb and a switch which controls the bulb. No other prisoners can see or control the light bulb. The prisoner in the special room can either turn on the bulb, turn off the bulb or do nothing. On any day, the prisoners can stop this process and say "Every prisoner has been in the special room at least once". If that happens to be true, all the prisoners will be set free. If it is false, then all the prisoners will be executed. The prisoners are given some time to discuss and figure out a solution. How do they ensure they all go free?

Asked by Neha on 20 Apr 2022

A man walked into a pub and went straight towards the Barman. He asked for a dirty martini from the Barman. The Barman thought something and then pulled out a pistol from his drawer and aimed it directly at the man. Why did he do that?

Asked by Neha on 09 Nov 2023

You are confined in a room and given two metal rods. Out of these two rods, one is magnet and the other is the iron rod. They look starkly similar. You don't have any other metal object in the room.

How will you decide which one of those is magnet?

Asked by Neha on 25 Apr 2021

A man is walking down a road with a basket of eggs. As he
is walking he meets someone who buys one-half of his eggs
plus one-half of an egg.
He walks a little further and meets another person who buys
one-half of his eggs plus one-half of an egg.
After proceeding further he meets another person who buys
one-half of his eggs plus one half an egg. At this point, he
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How many eggs did the man have to start with?

Asked by Neha on 06 Dec 2023

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Can you find how bias is the floor in this case?

Asked by Neha on 15 Feb 2023

Bay of Bengal is in which state?

Bay of Bengal

Asked by Neha on 12 Mar 2021

Below, you will find the mathematical proof that 10 equals 9.99999?. But is that possible or there is something wrong about it? Can you find the error?

x = 9.999999...
10x = 99.999999...
10x - x = 90
9x = 90
x = 10

Asked by Neha on 27 Aug 2021

What word is identified by the below rebus?

Your Your Your Your Your
Your Your Your Your Your

Asked by Neha on 27 Jul 2023

A Scientist was fifty years old in the year 2000 but he was forty years old in the year 2010. How can this be possible?

PS: It has a logical answer.

Asked by Neha on 20 Dec 2023

What goes up but never comes down?

Asked by Neha on 11 May 2022

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Jigsaw puzzles

Jigsaw puzzles soared in popularity during the great depression, as they provided a cheap, long-lasting, recyclable form of entertainment.