Once while in his court, King Akbar asked Birbal to write something on a wall that makes one sad when read in good times and makes one happy when read in sad times.
He took only a few moment and wrote something that fit the requirements. What did he write?
What happened when the wheel was invented?
Then what will be TAXI + HELL? Select from the options below:
A man has to get a fox, a chicken, and a sack of corn across a river.
He has a rowboat, and it can only carry him and one other thing.
If the fox and the chicken are left together, the fox will eat the chicken.
If the chicken and the corn are left together, the chicken will eat the corn.
How does the man do it?
Replace the question mark with the correct number, given the pair of numbers exhibits a similar relationship?
? : 3839 :: 11 : 1209
The more of this there is, the less you see. What is it?
There are 20 people in an empty, square room. Each person has full sight of the entire room and everyone in it without turning his head or body, or moving in any way (other than the eyes). Where can you place an apple so that all but one person can see it?
How can you write nineteen in a manner that if we take out one, it becomes twenty?
There are are five things wrong with this sentence; only geniuses will be able to to spot all of the mitstakes
A man started to town with a fox, a goose, and a sack of corn. He came to a stream which he had to cross in a tiny boat. He could only take one across at a time. He could not leave the fox alone with the goose or the goose alone with the corn. How did he get them all safely over the stream?
1 + 9 + 8 = ?
considering, 28 + 8 + 92 = 10
The day before the 1996 U.S. presidential election, the NYT Crossword contained the clue “Lead story in tomorrow’s newspaper,” the puzzle was built so that both electoral outcomes were correct answers, requiring 7 other clues to have dual responses.