Picture Riddles

Picture Riddles
Pictire riddles - Our online picture riddles are the best for kids and adults. We offer more than 100 picture puzzles to train your mind.

You need to complete the maze by entering from the entrance marked below in the figure near the yellow circle, bottom left and leaving from the exit point near the green circle, bottom middle.

Rule of Game: You can move only by exchanging green and yellow circles.

Cross the Gate

Asked by Sachin on 21 Oct 2023

Count the number of triangles in the below picture?

Triangles Count

Asked by Sachin on 12 Oct 2023

Move four matchsticks to the below square to form three squares?

Matchsticks Square

Asked by Sachin on 09 Oct 2023

Out of four images which one is the odd one out?

Odd one out

Asked by Sachin on 02 Oct 2023

If you read clockwise, you can form a word by inserting three missing letters in the picture given below. Can you do it?

English Clockwise

Asked by Sachin on 10 Sep 2023

Can you solve the maths in the below-given picture equation?

Maths Picture Puzzle

Asked by Sachin on 06 Sep 2023

Below is the sum of symbols in each row and column in the figure. Analyzing the figure, can you find out the value of the symbols?

Value of the Symbols

Asked by Sachin on 12 Aug 2023

In the given picture, in how many ways can you read the word "Tiger"?

Read Word Tiger

Asked by Sachin on 21 May 2023

Can you find a rabbit in the given picture?

Hidden Picture Riddle

Asked by Naresh on 08 Apr 2023

See the given image carefully. What you have to do is move the blue checkers in the position of the black checkers and vice versa. You are only allowed to move the checker to an adjacent empty space. Do it in the least possible moves.

Chinese Checkers Puzzle

Asked by Andrew on 07 Apr 2023

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Amazing Facts


There is a cryptic organization called Cicada 3301 that posts challenging puzzles online, possibly to recruit codebreakers and linguists.