Have eye but cannot see

I have an eye but still cannot see.

Who am I?

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I’m tall when I’m young, and I’m short when I’m old. What am I?

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Do You See It?

Do You See It?

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Can you calculate the weight of the entire wooden log?

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A man and his wife were doing missionary work near the city of Nairobi in the country of Kenya in eastern Africa. Their housing had not yet been completed, so the man, the woman, and their six year old daughter were spending a few nights in the jungle in three small pup tents. During their third night there, the woman was awakened by the call of a hyena passing by, so she got out of her tent to see if her young daughter had been frightened by the noise. As she peered into her daughter's tent she was surprised to see the dark figures of lion, a panther, and a cheetah which were curled up next to her daughter. Seeing her daughter was asleep and unharmed, the woman slowly and quietly withdrew from the tent, and simply returned to her own tent and went back to bed. How could this child's mother leave her daughter in such a dangerous situation, and simply ignore what she had just witnessed without intervening in some way? How can such emotional coldness ever be explained; or is there something here we are missing?

Asked by Neha on 04 Apr 2022

You can find some missing letters in the picture. By placing two particular letters in the spaces, you can form a nine lettered word beginning from one of the corners and going clockwise direction to the middle. Can you find out the letters and the word?

Make the Word

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Known by all without exception, Forever here, for your protection, Sometimes strong, sometimes weak, Right after the night I come - hot and chic. And while millions of miles away, I always get to you, I find my way. No life around could do without me, Can you guess what I might be?

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Crossword puzzles

In the 1920s, people feared that crossword puzzles would contribute to illiteracy.