Fun in common

What does an Island and the letter T have in common?

Similar Riddles

I am a word of 12 alphabets.

* Alphabets 12, 4, 7, 2, 5 : Eastern beast of burden
* Alphabets 1, 8, 10, 9 are street made famous by Sinclair Lewis.
* Alphabets 11, 3, 6 are past.

On whole it means a person suffering from delusions of greatness.

What Is it ?

Asked by Neha on 05 Jul 2021

A rain drop fell from one leaf to another leaf and lost 1/4th of its volume. It then fell to another leaf and lost 1/5th of the volume. It again fell on another leaf and lost 1/5th of the volume.

This process kept repeating till it fell on the last leaf losing 1/75th of its volume.

Can you calculate the total percentage of loss from the initial volume when the drop has fallen to the last leaf accurate up to two decimal places?

Asked by Neha on 16 Feb 2021

An equation has been laid down using a few matchsticks. However, as you can see, the equation is not correct. Can you correct the equation if you are allowed to add or remove 5 matchsticks?

Correct the Equation

Asked by Neha on 14 May 2021

A mother is 21 years older than her child. In exactly 6 years from now, the mother will be exactly 5 times as old as the child.
Where's the father?

Asked by Neha on 26 Jun 2021

A Detective reviewed the information they had on the case so far.

A lady named 'Caterina' was found shot and they already had a list of suspects - Ankit, Tarun, Harish, Manoj and Manish.
The killer is a fan of challenges him by leaving notes ad various places.
* The first was found in a toilet room.
* The second was found in an art room.
* The third was in a restroom.
* the fourth in an underwater room.
* The fifth at the no-smoking room.

All of the notes read the same thing, 'The clues are where you find the notes.' Yet, nothing was found at any place the notes were.
Detective the genius, immediately solved the case.
Who was the killer?

Asked by Neha on 11 Sep 2023

Which is faster, Heat or Cold ? Explain.

Heat or Cold ?

Asked by Neha on 23 Mar 2021

Sherlock Holmes was challenged to make a pre-drawn line smaller without erasing it. He did it in fractions of seconds. How?

Asked by Neha on 12 Apr 2023

You can win me and lose me but never buy me
You can not eat me and never want to part with me
I can make you cry or bring you joy
I am not a machine and definitely not a toy
You keep me but i am not forever just yours
You might find me in a case or on a shelf next to a vase
I am hard and i am tall if you bump me i am sure to fall
I am made of different materials and am at many events
If your lucky and fight hard I might be yours
What am I ?

Asked by Neha on 11 May 2021

If nine thousand, nine hundred nine dollars is written as $9,909,
how should twelve thousand, twelve hundred twelve dollars be written?

Asked by Neha on 24 Sep 2023

A deaf and mute man goes to the train station. Tickets for the train are 50 cents each. The man goes to the ticket booth and hands the man inside just a dollar. The man in the booth hands him two tickets.

How did the man in the booth know to give him two tickets without even looking at him?

deaf and mute man at train station riddle

Asked by Neha on 14 Mar 2021

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In 2011, people playing Foldit, an online puzzle game about protein folding, resolved the structure of an enzyme that causes an Aids-like disease in monkeys. Researchers had been working on the problem for 13 years. The gamers solved it in three weeks.