Chicken Selling

A Shopkeeper sold a few chickens to four different customers on a particular day. It was such that each customer purchased half of the remaining chickens and half the chicken more.

Can you find out how many chicken were sold by the shopkeeper on that day if we tell you that the fourth customer bought a single chicken ?

Similar Riddles

As shown in the picture below, we can see a boy hanging on the tree branch to save his life. There are various ways in which he can die like1. A snake hanging toward the right waiting to bite the boy.2. A roaring Lion near the tree.3. Two crocodiles are ready to attack if the boy reaches near water. The tree is chopped to some extent, so can fall as if he moves a lot. Can you give this boy an escape plan?

The Escape Plan

Asked by Neha on 06 Jul 2023

One day, I thought of ways that can be used for creating a palindrome. So I decided that I will turn into a larger number by adding the reversed digits to the original number and keep doing it till I finally obtained a palindrome.

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Can you now tell if the cup of coffee has more tea or the cup of tea has more coffee?

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How many times do a clock's hands overlap in a day ?

Clock Hand Overlapping

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A professor thinks of two consecutive numbers between 1 and 10.
'A' knows the 1st number and 'B' knows the second number

A: I do not know your number.
B: Nor do I know your number.
A: Now I know.

What are the four solutions for this?

Asked by Neha on 22 Jul 2024

A worker is to perform work for you for seven straight days. In return for his work, you will pay him 1/7th of a bar of gold per day. The worker requires a daily payment of 1/7th of the bar of gold. What and where are the fewest number of cuts to the bar of gold that will allow you to pay him 1/7th each day?

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In Canada, a mathematical puzzle must be solved in order to win the lottery to classify it as a “game of skill” not gambling.