Bond's Investigations

On a special event at the prison, 5 prisoners John, Jacob, Krist, Tang, and Dang given a chance to go to a sauna and can bring one thing with them.

Following are the things that the prisoners bring with them.
John: A soda
Jacob: Thermos
Krist: Book named "How to kill"
Tang: A Walkman
Dang: Harmonica

Since it is a Sauna, no one can see each other. After a while When the steam is switched, Tang was found dead and there was blood all around.
J Bond was called and he instantly come to know who can be the murderer. How?

Similar Mystery Riddles

A Detective reviewed the information they had on the case so far.

A lady named 'Caterina' was found shot and they already had a list of suspects - Ankit, Tarun, Harish, Manoj and Manish.
The killer is a fan of challenges him by leaving notes ad various places.
* The first was found in a toilet room.
* The second was found in an art room.
* The third was in a restroom.
* the fourth in an underwater room.
* The fifth at the no-smoking room.

All of the notes read the same thing, 'The clues are where you find the notes.' Yet, nothing was found at any place the notes were.
Detective the genius, immediately solved the case.
Who was the killer?

Asked by Neha on 11 Sep 2023

It was a dark stormy night and a couple were in a car driving madly to a city. The car broke down and the husband had to go get help from someone who spoke his language. He was afraid to leave his wife alone in the car so he locked the car before leaving. When he came back, the car was in the same state as he had left it but his wife was dead, there was blood on the floor and there was a stranger in the car. What happened?

Asked by Neha on 02 Aug 2024

A mad serial killer kidnaps people and forces them to play the game of 2 pills with them, In this game, there are pills in the table and one of them is normal pill while the other one is deadly poisonous.
The victim will choose one pill and the killer will pick the other pill and both simultaneously will swallow the pill with water.
victim dies every time.

One day the serial killer kidnaps the Joseph and forces him to play the same game with him.

Joseph solves the mystery of the two pills and remains alive.


Asked by Neha on 15 May 2021

Can you identify if it's a murder or a suicide ?

Murder or Suicide?

Asked by Neha on 17 May 2021

The richest man in the city Mr Rechard is kidnapped. James Bond is appointed to the case. At the crime scene, a note is found written by Mr Richard. The note read:

"First of January, Fourth of October, Fifth of March, Third of June."

James Bond knew that somehow, the killer's name was hidden in the note. The following were the suspects:

Jack Richard, the son and the heir of property.
John Jacobson, the employee of Richard.
June Richard, the wife of Richard.

James Bond took only a few moments to deduce the killer's name. Can you tell who was the killer?

Asked by Neha on 03 Jul 2024

A dead body is found outside a multi-story multinational company. The case is reported and a homicide detective is called on the crime scene.

He looks at the body and then towards the building. From the position of the body, it is evident that the victim committed suicide. He goes to the first floor of the building and then walks in the direction of the dead body, opens the window and toss a coin in the air.

He goes to second floor and again repeats the process. He keeps doing this till he is done on all the floors. Then he returns back to the floor and tells his team that it is a murder.

How in heaven did he deduce that?

Asked by Neha on 10 Sep 2021

Detective Rockford was jogging near the beach at 4:30 am.
He hears a sound near the shack "No Michael, Please Do not shoot me".
Next instance he heard the sound of gunfire. Rockford rushes to the shack where he finds women lying dead and a gun in close proximity of three "Doctore Lawyer and a Teacher".

Rockford immediately knew that the Lawyer has committed the crime. How?

Asked by Neha on 05 Apr 2023

A girl was sitting in her hotel room when she heard a knock on the door. She opened the door and found that a man was standing outside. The man said, "Oh! I am really sorry, I thought this was my room." He then walked through the corridor to the elevator. The girl did not know the man. She closed her door and called security asking them to apprehend the man. What made her suspicious of that man? He might have been genuinely mistaken.

Asked by Neha on 27 Jan 2024

French Police inspects a room where there are no windows, no doors, no tables and is almost empty expect there is just a puddle of water. They found a dead man who obviously hung herself from the ceiling, but they are not able to figure out how this had happened.

John and Jacob entered the crime scene and easily able to solve the case.

How did the man die?

Asked by Neha on 09 Sep 2021

A wealthy man lives alone in a small cottage. Being partially handicapped he had everything delivered to his cottage. The mailman was delivering a letter one Thursday when he noticed that the front door was ajar. Through the opening he could see the man's body lying in a pool of dried blood. When a police officer arrived he surveyed the scene. On the porch were two bottles of warm milk, Monday's newspaper, a catalog, flyers, and unopened mail. The police officer suspects it was foul play. Who does he suspect and why?

Murder Mystery Puzzle

Asked by Neha on 07 Apr 2021

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Amazing Facts


In Canada, a mathematical puzzle must be solved in order to win the lottery to classify it as a “game of skill” not gambling.