Matchstick Riddles

Enjoy matchstick riddles and brain teasers for kids and adults, riddles, logic puzzles, brain teasers. Riddles help your brain to exercise and sharpen your thinking capabilities.

Below toothpicks/matchsticks indicate the group of fishes moving from west to east direction. Can you make them move from east to west by just moving three toothpicks/matchsticks?

Floating Fish

Asked by Sachin on 14 May 2021

Can you move 2 matchsticks to form four equal sized squares.

Make four Square Riddle

Asked by Sachin on 17 Dec 2020

By moving exactly three matchsticks can you make the below equation true.It can be solved by 3 ways.

Matchsticks Equation

Asked by Sachin on 19 Feb 2021

Make eight squares by moving only two matchsticks.
Note- Square can be of different sizes.

Make the Square

Asked by Patrik on 12 Apr 2021

By including only four matchsticks in below picture, you have to make "Four Triangles And Two Squares"

Four Triangles And Two Squares Matchsticks Riddle

Asked by Sachin on 16 Apr 2021

What is the next number in this matchsticks series riddle?

Next Number In Matchstick Series

Asked by Vinay on 27 Apr 2021

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No Solution

In 2007, a puzzle was released and $2 million prizes were offered for the first complete solution. The competition ended at noon on 31 December 2010, with no solution being found. Wiki