Recent Riddles & Brain Teasers

Can you find the least possible number such that

If the number is divided by 3, it gives the remainder of 1;
If the number is divided by 4, it gives the remainder of 2;
If the number is divided by 5, it gives the remainder of 3;
If the number is divided by 6, it gives the remainder of 4.

Asked by Mehmat on 23 Oct 2024

Four men were in a boat on the lake. The boat turns over, and all four men sink to the bottom of the lake, yet not a single man got wet! Why?

Asked by Sachin on 22 Oct 2024

Four children having five rocks each were playing a game in which they had to throw the rock at a particular solid area in the water. Child 1- Succeeded in throwing three rocks at a solid area but one of the rocks sunk. Child 3 - His aim was so bad that all rocks got sunk. Child 4- He was awesome and none of the rocks got sunk. Child 2 - Was the winner but was struck by a rock in the head and died. Who killed Child 2?

Asked by Sachin on 21 Oct 2024

Why is it against the law for a man living in Delhi to be buried in Mumbai?

Asked by Sachin on 20 Oct 2024

John went to a parrot shop in Mexico, and the parrot owner told him that his parrot is so unique that he repeats everything he hears. John got excited and immediately bought the parrot. John went home and spoke many words, but the parrot does not repeat anything.
He went again to the parrot shop and complaint to the shopkeeper, but the shopkeeper never lied. Explain?

Asked by Patrik on 19 Oct 2024

John went to a parrot shop in Mexico, and the parrot owner told him that his parrot is so unique that he repeats everything he hears. John got excited and immediately bought the parrot. John went home and spoke many words, but the parrot does not repeat anything.
He went again to the parrot shop and complaint to the shopkeeper, but the shopkeeper never lied. Explain?

Asked by Vinod on 18 Oct 2024

This is a famous paradox which has caused a great deal of argument and disbelief from many who cannot accept the correct answer. Four balls are placed in a hat. One is white, one is blue and the other two are red. The bag is shaken and someone draws two balls from the hat. He looks at the two balls and announces that at least one of them is red. What are the chances that the other ball he has drawn out is also red?

Asked by Ronit on 17 Oct 2024

An artist while painting a scenic beauty, decides to paint three layers of blue colour on the sky.

Which layer will go on the first?

Asked by Sachin on 16 Oct 2024

Find the mistake in the below maths equations

A = 2
A(A-1) = 2(A-1)
A2-A = 2A-2
A2-2A = A-2
A(A-2) = A-2
A = 1

Asked by Sachin on 15 Oct 2024

Eight Chelsea player makes the following statements :

1. Seven of us are lying here.
2. Six of us are lying here.
3. Five of us are lying here.
4. Five of us are lying here.
5. Four of us are lying here.
6. Three of us are lying here.
7. My name is Torres.
8. My name is Lampard.

The last two are Lampard and Torres or maybe Torres and Lampard.
So can you deduce which of the last two is Lampard or Torres?

Asked by Sachin on 14 Oct 2024

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Amazing Facts


In 2011, people playing Foldit, an online puzzle game about protein folding, resolved the structure of an enzyme that causes an Aids-like disease in monkeys. Researchers had been working on the problem for 13 years. The gamers solved it in three weeks.